Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well we finally have a court date to finalize Rosemary & Kalles' adoption.....December 1st. Needless to say we are excited. Rosemary started screaming and jumping up and down when she found out. Okay so she is just a tiny bit excited. Kal, well being almost 2 is a little less excited.

And while on the good news front.......Kloe's 1st set of papers will be signed on Friday 11/14. A good day since it is also Rosemary's birthday.

Nicole is excited, but feeling a little left out. She is still waiting. We except she will be freed for adoption on 12/2. Though we expect an appeal will be placed, which means a least 1 year before we will be able to finalize her.

When dealing with all this we have found the biggest hurry up and wait system ever.....Patience is a virtue.....(yes Andrea best found in others.)

1 comment:

Darcy said...

That's just awesome!!! I hope all goes well with the adoptions!!!