Saturday, November 15, 2008

We are safe.... not to close to the fires.

We just wanted to update. We are at a safe distance from all the fires. We could see billowing smoke on the mountain tops. David is on his way home from work. It may take a while as the 5 just opened, but the 14 is still closed. Looks like the fire closest to us was set. News just reported 4 or 5 arrests regarding the fires being set! God bless those who have lost so much.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Kloe is offically ours!!!!!

We just finished signing a huge stack of papers that offically makes Kloe our adoptive placement daughter. That means..... one more court date and she will be all ours forever. She is celebarating by eating gumy worms.

Well now I am off to Rosemary's school with birthday cupcakes and juice.

David is only a little happy about signing Kloe's papers... His words 3 down 1 to go...

We are so greatful for the beautiful family that has been sent to us. We are truely blessed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Well we finally have a court date to finalize Rosemary & Kalles' adoption.....December 1st. Needless to say we are excited. Rosemary started screaming and jumping up and down when she found out. Okay so she is just a tiny bit excited. Kal, well being almost 2 is a little less excited.

And while on the good news front.......Kloe's 1st set of papers will be signed on Friday 11/14. A good day since it is also Rosemary's birthday.

Nicole is excited, but feeling a little left out. She is still waiting. We except she will be freed for adoption on 12/2. Though we expect an appeal will be placed, which means a least 1 year before we will be able to finalize her.

When dealing with all this we have found the biggest hurry up and wait system ever.....Patience is a virtue.....(yes Andrea best found in others.)

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ok so I'm nt so great at keeping up with our blog.... It happens to be a little busy here. Kloe has 4 standing appointments every week. Rosemary & Nicole have Tae Kwon Do 3 times a week. Plus all the other fun stuff we get to do. I can't wait until we start finalizing the kids adoptions so we can have less drama and appointments.

We have already been to 2 Halloween parties. And no I did not take a single picture. David was a work so it was me and 4 kids doing games and candy!!! I wouldn't change it for the world.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Kloe is finally ours!

We finally got the word our darling little girl has been freed for adoption. We are greatful and relieved that she will be ours forever. I can't believe she has been in our home for almost 2 years. We have been so blessed.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Starting our blog!

Here goes nothing. Our first family blog! We are recovering from another busy weekend. Rosemary had a Tae Kwon Do test Friday. We had baby Josh for the weekend! And then we went to Victorville (very hot) on Saturday to meet Destiny and her family. Josh went back this afternoon. We are very greatful for such a full of life family. I'll put up some pictures later. Almost time for bed.